The new shrine of 1774
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
The new stage of trials lasted until 1774. On October 6, 1774, G. M. Teplov wrote to the bishop (Myslavsky, 1731 – 1796, the future Metropolitan of Kyiv):
Her imperial majesty, the inscription to the shrine of the relics of St. Michael, prince of Chernihiv, which you wrote, deigned to test with only a small exception against your writing… The second two, that is, the life and sufferings of this pious prince, as in the prayer, she ordered to be exactly as you wrote them [Skvortsov N. A. Archive…, vol. 1, p. 17].
What was this shrine?
Its description in 1774 was submitted by A. Lebedev.
It seemed that placing the "relics" in the Archangel Cathedral next to the tombs of the Moscow rulers protected them from further trials. But it did not turn out as expected, and trials continued with renewed vigor.