Oleksandr Zhuravel’s special view
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
In the literature, it is customary to consider prince Michael Vsevolodovich as the son of Vsevolod Chermny. Oleksandr Zhuravel looks at this case differently in his article "On the origin of Michael Vsevolodovych of Chernihiv" [ 2003. This digital publication is a revised version of previous publications from 1995 and 1996]. O. Zh. considers Michael the son of the prince of Trubchevsk (Bui-Tur in the "Tale about Igor’s campaign").
Is it really so?
The conclusion, as I tried to show, is not based on anything, it "rests" on late texts, which, moreover, do not speak directly in favor of the view of O. Zh. This view contradicts "Ockam’s razor" – not to invent new entities without a special need.
You should also know that S. Kelembet gave a thorough criticism of O. Zhuravel’s view [Kelembet S. , Grand Duke of Chernihiv and Kyiv: some issues of origin, biography and family structure. – Siveryansk Chronicle, 2017, No. 1-2, p. 11 – 13].