Mythical "sons"
of prince Michael Vsevolodovych
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
D. Bagalij gave complete faith to the "sons" of Michael Vsevolodovych from the genealogical books.
Yu. V. Seleznev’s dissertation [ in the political system of the Juchi ulus (Hordes). – Voronezh: 2014] contain a separate section "Features of the stay at the court of the Horde Khan of the princes of the Chernihiv and Turov-Pinsk lands in the 13th century – at the beginning of the 14th century." (p. 243 – 253). The use of "synodikons" (actually, books by R. Zotov) destroys the meaning of the author’s genealogical considerations.
V. M. Rychka and O. P. Tolochko spoke categorically against the possibility of self-proclamation of the princes.
A. Gorsky writes completely wrongly… The author’s trust in Zotov destroys all trust in what A. Gorsky wrote.