Ukrainian Pearl Harbor
Nicholas Zharkikh
So, today, February 24, at about 9 pm (60 minutes before the curfew – it is announced in Kyiv from 22:00 to 7:00), I can finally write a few words of my impressions.
1. World leaders on the morning of February 24 pleased us with unanimous statements about unprovoked Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
There is no longer any talk that "Ukraine has attacked itself." There is no talk of "miners", "taxi drivers" and "ordinary people" fighting against Ukraine – those conversations that the whole world unanimously believed for 8 (eight!) years.
That’s the word unprovoked has its enormous weight. This means that the entire burden of responsibility for the new war falls on Russia. Perhaps it is the desire not to provoke the enemy – that has delayed many obviously necessary actions to counter the aggressor, such as the announcement of mobilization and the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia.
Yesterday, February 23, such measures by Ukraine could be perceived as provocative and the "civilized world" could say: "You yourself have caused a war, now fight."
But no!
These and many other measures were taken after the actual start of hostilities, when all this became permissible and even necessary.
So, we have 100% purity of our cause in the eyes of the world community and 100% responsibility of Russia for a new war.
So, we have 100% of Ukrainian Pearl Harbor – unprovoked the aggressor’s attack on Ukraine.
How the world community will take advantage of this fantastic opportunity – I do not know, but I think now is the best time for Japan to regain the Kuril Islands (and what they still want there), for China – to get controversial (according to China’s view) "northern territories"… and further with all stops.
2. Who is responsible for the war?
God forbid that the incompetent Kremlin Fuhrer is to blame for everything. Any king could not force his people to fight if he (the people) did not want to. But he wants to.
Therefore, not only the Kremlin vampires are to blame, but the whole Russian people (well, a political nation – those who have passports of "citizens" of the Russian Federation). And "now the wild Tungus" is to blame, and the "son of the Kalmyk steppes" is to blame, and, of course, the remnants of the Russian ethnic group. Not everyone will fit in the Hague. It is necessary to open local courts in the regional centers of the Russian Federation.
3. World War. Third or fourth – as you like.
When the aggressor is a nuclear state, a permanent member of the UN Security Council – war is a world war, regardless of the will or unwillingness of other states. US President Donald Trump during his reign was quite frank that he "does not want to start a world war through this region." I believe that he did not want to, and much of the American political leadership apparently shared this view. But now they have to wage this war.
Like, dislike –
Be patient, my American beauty.
4. The enemy bears losses. Tangible and seem unexpected to him.
Without repeating the reports of official sources of the Armed Forces, I will note that until 12 o’clock on February 24, the number of downed Russian planes increased by one every hour. During the first 7 hours of the war, the aggressor lost 7 aircraft. After that, the account stopped. I cautiously assume that the aggressor’s command understands that it may lose its entire air fleet before the Patirot air defense systems from the United States begin to arrive in Ukraine (I want to believe that we will get them).
5. Fear. In Moscow. Serious.
Sometime around after 9 hours in the war, at about 2 pm on February 24 Kyiv time, reports began to appear that the Kremlin Fuhrer was not against starting negotiations. About the capitulation of Ukraine, but it is not important. Significantly – for the first time in world history, the striker began ask victim of aggression about "negotiations"!
This has never happened before and with this the Führer has a chance to go down in history.
Negotiations with the aggressor cannot last longer than the automatic queue.
6. Inconspicuous but important success of Ukraine.
On February 23, at about 8 pm, I noticed that my sites "Ancestor’s Glory" and "Knowledge about Ukraine" became inaccessible. The reason is the unavailability of name servers owned by a Ukrainian hosting company. According to media reports, a cyber attack on Ukrainian government websites was taking place at the time, and my websites came under fire, I think, because they were served by the same name servers.
So, at about 2 pm on February 24, the work of name servers was resumed – and I saw it, because my named sites started working again.
Conclusion: Ukrainian cyber forces repulsed the aggressor’s attack. The aggressor failed to paralyze the Ukrainian segment of the Internet. I have no idea who did this, but my deep gratitude to all these heroes of cyber warfare.
Everything will be – Ukraine! We will win!