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Nikon chronicle

Nicholas Zharkikh

Nikon chronicle – a monument in Moscow chronicles 2nd quarter – the mid-16th century. It exists in two main recensions.

Senior recension (presented in the original Obolensky copy) driven to the 1520. Researchers believe the initiator of its writing Metropolitan Daniel. For its preparation were used Simeon and Joasaph chronicles, as well as Chronographical Novgorod chronicle.

In younger recension (presented in Patriarchal copy) text of older recension was supplemented with the use of Resurrection chronicle and the Chronicle beginning the reign and driven to 1558. This recension was the basis of the Illuminated Chronicle.

Nikon chronicle used after the old edition [Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles. Chronicle compilation called Patriarchal or Nikon Chronicle. – SPb.: 1862, v. 9 – 256 p.; 1885, v. 10 – 244 p.; 1897, v. 11 – 254 p.; 1901, v. 12 – 256 p.; 1913, Vol. 13, part 1 – 302 p.]. As the researchers note that Nikon chronicle contains a number of records that are unknown in other chronicles, it was revised in its entirety.

Full text of excerpts from this chronicle available in ukrainian / russian versions of article.