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German chronicles
about the Battle of the Vorskla river in 1399

Nicholas Zharkikh

In German chronicles, the news of which we considered in connection with "Battle of Blue Water" and campaigns of 1397 – 1398 years, also contains a stories about the campaign Vytautas at Vorskla in 1399. All were published by Ernst Strelke in 1866 [Scriptores rerum Prussicarum, 1866 ].

For help in translating old German text, very difficult to understand, I am grateful Valentine Stetsyuk.

Johann von Posilge, 1399

Successor Dietmar von Lubeck, 1399

Chronicle of pseudo Rufus, 1399

Torun annals, 1399

Thus, in the German annals we have three independent stories about the campaign in 1399, the most competent and most informative story provided Posilge.

Kyiv, 20 – 23 February 2017

Full text of article – in the Ukrainian version.