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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Republic of Crimea


Neither Stepan Rudansky,
nor Ismael Gasprinsky…

There were in the list in 2001 – 40 places.

Excluded from the list – 12 places.

Added to the list – 9 sites.

Reported in the list in 2009 – 37 places.

Updating percentage = 52.5%

These sites collected 87 penalty points, giving an average of 2.35 points for a site.

Detailed item-by-item analysis available in ukrainian version.

Crimean list makes depressing experience. Have autonomy, to live better than the rest of the land – is a clear and good, but have the autonomy to live worse – it is something inconceivable, favorable for pigs only. Among the crimean heritage we don't see the most attractive sights and objects that have form the image of Crimea:

Fortress Funa (in the list) can not replace the Sudak fortress (not listed);

Theatre in Evpatoria can not substitute Bakhchisarai Palace;

Syuren fortress can not replace Mangup;

Tomb of S.M. Sergeyev-Tsensky can not substitute for the unique ensemble of Old Crimea;

Mythical "ancient Rus settlement of town Korchev" can not fully replace the real settlement Chufut-Calais;

Kerch fortress can not replace the Eski-Kermen.

Do Crimean swines preservation officials does not know about these objects? They know even better than we! But thoughts they do not guard these treasures, but something beastly.