Volyn region
Neither Volodymyr Vasylkovych nor Liubartas Gedymynovych…
There were in the list in 2001 – 26 places.
Excluded from the list – 5 places.
Added to the list – 2 places.
Reported in the list in 2009 – 23 places.
Updating percentage = 27 %
These sites collected 37 penalty points, an average of 1.6 penalty points for a site.
Detailed item-by-item analysis available in ukrainian version.
The disadvantage of Volyn list is complete lack of history:
- No mention of Prince Vladimir Vasylkovych (probably because he was of Rurikovich);
- also no mention of Prince Liubartas (probably because he was Gedyminovych);
- No mention of Prince Andrew Kurbsky (probably because he was Muscovite);
- No mention of Daniel Bratkovsky (probably because he was Ukrainian, and also a nobleman);
- No mention of the largest in the history of Ukrainian Insurgent Army fighting the Germans in Stary Zahoriv (they fought the German occupiers, but probably not something on the side)…