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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

Personal site


Ivano-Frankivsk region


Neither Jaroslav Osmomysl nor Stepan Bandera…

There were in the list in 2001 – 14 places.

Excluded from the list – 0 places.

Added to the list – 3 places.

Reported in the list in 2009 – 17 places.

Updating percentage = 21%

These sites collected 19 penalty points, an average of 1.12 penalty points for a site.

Detailed item-by-item analysis available in ukrainian version.

It is believed though Galicians are greater Ukrainian patriots than residents of other regions. I do not know why it is based on – the list of historical monuments of the region shows the same indifference to our past as elsewhere.

No mention here of the Galician princes. No Volodymyrko Volodarevych nor his son Yaroslav (Osmomysl), nor glorious Roman the Great or his son Daniel did not make it to the registry. Contemporary pigs do not care about their reputation.

What has been asking pigs – where are Stepan Bandera memorials. And he probably does have merits to Ukraine…