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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Ternopil region


Neither Iov Zalizo nor Klym Savur…

There were in the list in 2001 – 9 places.

Excluded from the list – 5 places.

Added to the list – 1 place.

Reported in the list in 2009 – 5 places.

Updating percentage = 67 %

These sites collected 4 penalty points, an average of 0.8 penalty points for a site.

Detailed item-by-item analysis available in ukrainian version.

Ternopil region – a place of the famous battles by Bogdan Khmelnitsky at Zboriv (1649) and at Ozerna (1655). In the district Antonivtsy – Hurby occurred biggest fight of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army against soviet occupants (1944). This is essential grounds NOT to include them in the list of monuments of national importance.

Ternopil region – birthplace of the Polish poet Juliusz Slowacky, our glorious scientists Volodymyr Hnatiuk and Ivan Puljuj, singer Salome Krushelnytska, one of the leaders of OUN Yaroslav Stetsko, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army colonel Dmitry Klyachkivsky (Klym Savur). Well, when they really are outstanding – we will NOT include them in our list…