Remaking of old synodikons
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
A completely different picture appears in the historical part! This – a kind of "history, represented in the names." To lay it, the scribe of the synodikon had to use sources, written in former times (often in times, about which he had no idea), from which he had to make compilation.
At this point it is necessary to emphasize the significance of the historical parts of the synodikons as monuments of historiography, monuments of historical thought of their time (from all researchers, only Alexei Kuzmuk wrote this in the preface to the publication of the VS).
If, for the study of historiography, these distortions do not matter (and, moreover, are themselves the subject of research), then for the source value of the historical part of the synodikon they are devastating.
The recommendation is to never use the historical data for which we do not have the original texts.