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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

The chronology of the current part synodikons can be determined without special complications, and it is completely incomprehensible to me why it constitutes an insurmountable problem for researchers. For example, the fact that Ljubech synodikon began to be written in 1754, was installed by me in 2015, and for 150 years of previous "studios" no one paid attention to it.

To establish the chronology, we can rely on direct absolute dates inscribed in the text, and where there are none, on the dates of the activities of those historical personalities who can be identified. There is nothing new in this second approach – so the dates of any records that do not contain direct dates, but contain lists of individuals (for example, pedigree lists) are set.

The number of direct dates increases with the transition from early synodikons to late. The later the current part was written, the more absolute dates it contain. Direct dates are also presented in the earliest Pechersky synodikon, but they were interpreted incorrectly (in the works that preceded my monograph).