Events 2 half 15 – early 16 cent.
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
17. The next episode Lit1L – rebellion in Smolensk after the death of Grand Duke Sigismund – rewritten from Smolensk chronicle.
18. Subsequent short story about the war with Russia in 6953 (1445) year borrowed from Smolensk chronicle too.
19. Mikhaylushko conspiracy against Casimir. In this story, the author Lit1L devotes importance princes Volozhinski, about which any current source does not mention [Wolff J. Kniazowie litewsko-ruscy od końca 14 w. – Warszawa: 1895, s. 684].
22. Next Lit1L briefly talks about Prussian War and Czech affairs of King Casimir. At this place more attention is paid to the battle of Chojnice (1454). Named Lithuanian heroes, any of which were not seen at Chojnice by contemporaries, but the author Lit1L from a distance of more than 100 years should be better seen. So, we have here another example of the method of working our author: minor skeletal elements borrowed from Cromer, strung patriotic imagination, flattering to the national feelings of Lithuanians.
Description of the unsuccessful campaign of the Moscow troops at Kazan in 1506 is expressive borrowing from some Moscow chronicles [Sophia 2nd Chronicles – PSRL, 2001, vol. 6, Part 2, col. 375 – 376; or Annals of the 72-language junior recension – PSRL, 1962, vol. 28, p. 339]. As usual, the author Lit1L could not make a mess and suffered a campaign that took place in the spring, in the fall.