Gustynsky chronicle (1620-ies)
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Gustynsky chronicle – compilatory historical work, written in the Ukraine in the 17th century. With its naming, we have the same problem as the "Lithuanian" chronicles – in one manuscript collection contains GL1 – the general annals from ancient times to 1597, and GL2 – local annals of Gustynja monastery in 17 cent. Both were published in 2003 [PSRL, vol. 40, p. 7 – 152, 153 – 169, respectively].
Today, we are interested in GL1. We do not aim to dismantle it on the screws, as was done with Bil0L – we just point out borrowing from LitL.
General frame for GL1 time of creation – from 1622 to 1670 years, but considering that Lositsky had already defective protograph, time of its formation should be put near the begin of the interval outlined. Conventionally, in view of these observations, we assume GL1 product of the 1620s.
Comparative table contains 40 rows.
The results of our observations can be summed as follows:
1. From the total stock of information that had "Lithuanian" chronicles in GL1 included only FEL; besides borrowing or duplicating FEL, or are random.
2. The author GL1 did not have and did not use any "Lithuanian" chronicles. Instead, he used the works of Alexander Guagnini-Pashkovsky (1611) and Stryjkowski (1582), combining their notes, reducing the story and adding here and there own fantasies. Criticisms, available in both sources, was not interested for GL1 author.
This list of compilations of works dependent Alexander Guagnini and Stryjkowski not exhausted – it can be extended with chronicle F. Sofonovich (1673), and "Scythian history" by A. Lyzlov (1692), as well as "historical" works F. M. Shabuldo and B. V. Cherkas.
However, having considered the three works that arose after Stryjkowski, we found that they are no longer any trace of the direct use of "Lithuanian" chronicles, and therefore these products are no longer of interest to the study of the latter.