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Messenger of virtue (1574)

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version

Brochure M. Stryjkowski "Messenger of virtue" () was his first printed product (Krakow 1574). It had not been seen at one time, remained in the shadow of the capital "Chronicle", published in 1582. Later brochure was reprinted as an appendix to the publication of "Chronicle" 1846 [Stryjkowski M. Kronika polska, litewska, żmódzka i wszystkiej Rusi. – Warszawa: 1846, t. 2 – 558].

The brochure was published on the occasion of the election of Henry of Valois King of Poland.

The history of Lithuania is presented again sapphic verse. Here we see Palemon (p. 537), who sailed from Italy to Lithuania – running away from the Nero, then from Attila.

Further, the presentation follow "Erdivil" edition of FEL, to which belongs Lit1L, with some liberties in genealogy.

On further borrowing from Lit1L indicates the name Nemir in the description of the war of Vytautas with Basil Moscow (p. 550) and the description of tribute from Novgorod and Pskov (p. 551). The news that Vytautas broke Perekop Tatars (Which did not exist at his time) and mankop Tatars (which does not exist at all) – are the examples of author’s invention.

The conclusion is simple: for writing the history of Lithuania Stryjkowski used Lit1L, filling it sometime from Polish chronicles. It really was the first printed book outlining the "Lithuanian" chronicle (something like the book S. Herberstein was first set out in the press Moscow chronicles).

The tendency of the product – the glorification of the Kishka kin, representatives of which the author says at every opportunity, even without the opportunity.