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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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2nd quarter 2024

New about Crimean jarlyks

I continue publishing my work «Geography of Crimean jarlyks of the 15th and 16th centuries» (2024). Today – the section «Comparative table 1542 – 1574».

Lists of names in jarlyks from 1542 to 1574.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 244

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 122 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 243

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 122 (Jun 20 – 26, 2024)».

Control points for "shaheeds", 4 oil refineries, radar in Crimea (temporarily occupied by russians) – the Ukrainian Defense Forces gave the russian enemy a hellish night.

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New about princes Glynski

I continue publishing my work «Princes Glynski» (2023). Today – the section «Semenovich Glinski».

Prince Senko Glynsky. Prince Ivan Semenovych Glinsky. Prince Mykhailo Ivanovich Glynsky. Prince Semen Ivanovich Glinsky. Prince Bohdan Fedorovych Glynsky.

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New about Chernihiv

I continue publishing the monograph «Chernihiv and the Tatars: 1198-1278» (2022). Today – subsection «Church in Rostov (4th quarter of the 13th century)» of the section «Posthumous trials of Michael and Fedor».

The expression "church name after him" can be understood both narrowly – as "the church of St. Michael, prince of Chernihiv", and more broadly – as "the church of Archangel Michael".

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Chronicle of our struggle – 242

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 121 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 241

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 121 (Jun 13 – 19, 2024)».

Head of Ukrainian intelligence: Ukraine attacked the Russian airfield in Morozovsk the day before with at least 70 drones.

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New about Klym Polishchuk

I continue to publish the work "Klym Polishchuk – the poet of despair" (2023). Today – the section "Own way".

The offer to go own way naturally raises the question – where exactly? It seems that K. Polishchuk did not care about this, and he never revealed this secret of his.

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New about Crimean jarlyks

I continue publishing my work «Geography of Crimean jarlyks of the 15th and 16th centuries» (2024). Today – the section «Comparative table 1535 – 1541».

Lists of names in jarlyks from 1535 to 1541.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 240

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 120 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 239

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 120 (Jun 6 – 12, 2024)».

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed a Tu-22M3 bomber during an attack on the Mozdok airfield in the Russian Federation.

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New about princes Glynski

I continue publishing my work «Princes Glynski» (2023). Today – the section «Borisovych Glynski».

Prince Boris Glynsky. Prince Boris (not Glynsky). Prince Ivan Borisovych Glynsky. Prince Hryhorij Borisovych Glynsky. Prince Vasyl Borisovych Glynsky.

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New about Chernihiv

I continue publishing the monograph «Chernihiv and the Tatars: 1198-1278» (2022). Today – subsection «Mythical "Chernihiv princes" from "List of prince Constantine"» of the section «Scientific basis».

Modern historians continue to trust Zotov as a historical source, not paying the slightest attention to the fact that this is a "source" from the end of the 19th century.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 238

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 119 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 237

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 119 (May 30 – Jun 5, 2024)».

A new level of drone battle: Ukrainian FPVs have learned how to shoot down Russian Eagles.

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New about Klym Polishchuk

I continue to publish the work "Klym Polishchuk – the poet of despair" (2023). Today – the section "Counter-revolutionary".

From K. Polishchuk’s point of view, the revolution that took place in his time was wrong, and he was in favor of the right revolution. And this is counter-revolutionary.

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New about Crimean jarlyks

I continue publishing my work «Geography of Crimean jarlyks of the 15th and 16th centuries» (2024). Today – the section «Comparative table 1517 – 1532».

Lists of names in jarlyks from 1517 to 1532.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 236

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 118 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 235

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 118 (May 23 – 29, 2024)».

In Luhansk (temporarily occupied by russians), Ukrainian missiles covered the airfield of the former military school and aircraft repair plant.

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New about princes Glynski

I continue publishing my work «Princes Glynski» (2023). Today – the section «Biographies of the Glynski princes».

All the princes Glynski should be divided into five independent groups. Our documents do not know whether the protoplasts of these groups were related to each other.

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New about Chernihiv

I continue publishing the monograph «Chernihiv and the Tatars: 1198-1278» (2022). Today – subsection «Mythical "sons" of prince Michael Vsevolodovych» of the section «Scientific basis».

V. M. Rychka and O. P. Tolochko spoke categorically against the possibility of self-proclamation of princes. But I’m interested to know – where did our authors get such a conviction?

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Chronicle of our struggle – 234

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 117 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 233

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 117 (May 16 – 22, 2024)».

The Ukrainian military liquidated a sea minesweeper of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

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New about Klym Polishchuk

I continue to publish the work "Klym Polishchuk – the poet of despair" (2023). Today – the section "Sovietophilism".

Red flags, like everything else red, appear in the works of K. Polishchuk at the end of 1917, when everything around was red even without him.

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New article on history

I publish the article "Mythical "city of Volyn" (2024).

The entry in Jan Dlugosh’s "Orography" that Gorodok at the mouth of the Guchva River was formerly called Volyn – is Dlugosh’s personal assumption, which turned out to be wrong.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 232

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 116 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 231

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 116 (May 9 – 15, 2024)».

Up to 70% of the personnel: "Atesh" revealed data on the losses of the assault units of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv direction.

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New about princes Glynski

I continue publishing my work «Princes Glynski» (2023). Today – the section «1531 – 1616».

1531. Mention of the estate of Mykhailo Lvovich Glynsky. 1533 Complaint against Prince Semen Glynski. 1555 Statement of Mykhailo Ventslavovich Glynsky.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 230

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 115 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 229

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 115 (May 2 – 8, 2024)».

Now it’s official: the Ukrainian intelligence confirmed the destruction of an enemy boat in the Crimea.

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New about Crimean jarlyks

I continue publishing my work «Geography of Crimean jarlyks of the 15th and 16th centuries» (2024). Today – the section «Comparative table 1461 – 1513».

Lists of names in jarlyks from 1461 to 1513.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 228

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 114 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 227

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 114 (Apr 25 – May 1, 2024)».

The continuous fighting lasted for 8 days: the soldiers of the 3rd brigade made a feat in Avdijivka, eliminating more than two hundred russian occupiers. Video.

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New about Klym Polishchuk

I continue to publish the work "Klym Polishchuk – the poet of despair" (2023). Today – the section "Revolutionism".

The self-narrators created by K. Polishchuk act as convinced revolutionaries, at least in some period of their lives. The systematic nature of such statements suggests that these are the views of the author himself.

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New about Chernihiv

I continue publishing the monograph «Chernihiv and the Tatars: 1198-1278» (2022). Today – subsection «Prince Rostislav Mykhailovych» of the section «Scientific basis».

One or two battles between Rostislav and Danylo? Victory near Yaroslav – whose?

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Chronicle of our struggle – 226

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 113 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 225

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 113 (Apr 18 – 24, 2024)».

The US Senate finally approved additional aid to Ukraine.

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New about princes Glynski

I continue publishing my work «Princes Glynski» (2023). Today – the section «1521 – 1530».

1522 Complaint of Opranka Glynska. 1528 Complaint of Mykhailo Glynsky. 1528 Census of the Lithuanian army. 1530 Complaint against Prince Bohdan Fedorovych.

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New about Crimean jarlyks

I continue publishing my work «Geography of Crimean jarlyks of the 15th and 16th centuries» (2024). Today – the section «Comparative table».

List elements consist of one or more names followed by a grant formula.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 224

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 112 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 223

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 112 (Apr 11 – 17, 2024)».

The pilots did a great job and returned to the base: it became known that the Ukrainian Defense Forces had struck in Luhansk (temporarily occupied by russians).

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New about Klym Polishchuk

I continue to publish the work "Klym Polishchuk – the poet of despair" (2023). Today – the section "Philosophy".

The main philosophical problem that concerns the literary characters created by K. Polishchuk is the impossibility of distinguishing reality from a dream / fiction.

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New about Chernihiv

I continue publishing the monograph «Chernihiv and the Tatars: 1198-1278» (2022). Today – subsection «The death of prince Michael Vsevolodovych» of the section «Scientific basis».

When did it happen? Anton Gorsky’s view. Aleksej Martyniuk’s view. Vadim Stavysky’s view.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 222

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 111 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 221

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 111 (Apr 4 – 10, 2024)».

It was a Ukrainian intelligence operation: the Serpukhov missile ship was on fire in the Kaliningrad region, details have emerged.

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New about princes Glynski

I continue publishing my work «Princes Glynski» (2023). Today – the section «1511 – 1520».

1511. Testimony of Fedir Kolontaev. Mention of the debt of Mykhailo Lvovich Glynsky. 1514 Confirmation of possessions of Semen Ivanovich Glynsky.

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New about Crimean jarlyks

I continue publishing my work «Geography of Crimean jarlyks of the 15th and 16th centuries» (2024). Today – the section «Archeography».

All documents contain significant parts inherited from No. 1. In particular, the inscription never contains the name of the ruler to whom the document is addressed.

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Chronicle of our struggle – 220

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 110 – additional links».

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Chronicle of our struggle – 219

I continue publishing the collection of news «Chronicle of our struggle». Today – «Week 110 (Mar 28 – Apr 3, 2024)».

Drones of Ukrainian intelligence attacked the Russian factory for the production of "Shakheds" in Yelabuga, – mass media.

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New about Klym Polishchuk

I continue to publish the work "Klym Polishchuk – the poet of despair" (2023). Today – the section "Radical pacifism".

K. Polishchuk’s pacifism logically followed from his despair. Since the struggle cannot bring anything good not only to the community as a whole, but even to the fighter himself, then there is no need to fight.

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