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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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List of 1513

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Once upon a time, at the end of the 14th century, when the first cannons appeared in Moscow, they were called "tyufyaks". It is said that this word comes from the Iranian word "tupang" (pipe), which indicates the source of borrowing – from Iran via the Golden Horde.

And now the technological level of the Rotten-Straw Horde has once again reached such an extraordinary height that the Hordes rejoice at the delivery of ready-made projectile planes (which are now fashionable to call kamikaze drones) from the same Iran.

I read that even boasted about it and said that the use of these shells in Ukraine shows the high level of the Iranian military industry.

I would advise this general and other leaders of Iran to check if everything is okay with their wills, because if our "Sokil-300" arrives, there may be a too late to deal with the testaments.

From Kharkiv to Tehran (via Volgograd and Astrakhan) is only 2,200 km, to Isfagan, where, they say, the factory for the production of Iranian "Shahed" is located, is 2,600 km, while the declared range of the "Sokil (Falcon)" is 3,300 km. And undeclared? Well, one day something will fly in and make "cotton" – then we will find out:

If necessary, Kokkinaki

He will fly to Nagasaki…

So, I continue (December 29, 2022 at 8:10 am).

The differences in the list of names in the jarlyk of 1513 from the jarlyk of 1507 are quite significant:

Map scheme of the jarlyk of 1513

Map scheme of the jarlyk of 1513