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Other lists of towns

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

, that the rotten-straw nulliparous man worked so diligently on his suitcase that he broke his rectum. But this, of course, is not true:

The deceased was such a robber,

Such a swindler, a thief and a swindler,

That you do not believe in death,

Until the corpse is found.

But everyone liked recognizing Laptestan as a sponsor of terrorism, and the Polish Sejm was in favor of it (231 shots out of 234). And this is much worse than a broken gut, because the status of "sponsor of terrorism" is not easy to acquire, but it is impossible to renounce it. And so the Horde will be this "sponsor" until the end of its existence (I hope it will not be long. December 16, 2022 at 8:40).

In the following table, the first column is the number of the object from the higher comparative table, the second column contains names from the label of 1461, supplemented by names from later jarlyks (such entries are highlighted sandy background). Names that occur several times in the comparative table are given in the place where they are mentioned for the first time.

The third column contains the correspondents from the "List of Švitrigaila’s Towns" (SGS, Latin name, its reconstruction and number according to S. Polekhov’s publication [S. V. Polekhov "". Dating and publication. – Ancient Rus’. Questions of medieval studies, 2014, No. 4 (58), p. 111 – 125]).

The fourth column contains respondents from the "List of Russian Towns" (SRG) [Novgorod first chronicle of the oldest and youngest editions. – M.-L., 1950, ].

The fifth column presents the respondents from the "Book of the Big Drawing" of 1627 (KBCH) [Book of a large drawing. – Moscow: 1950]

In general, it should be noted that a comparison of the list of names from jarlyks with other lists confirms its origin from the end of Vytautas’ reign. Explanations of individual names from the mentioned lists will be useful for explaining jarlyks.