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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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List of abbreviations

Nicholas Zharkikh

D. K. – edition of jarlyks, prepared by Dariusz Kolodziejczyk [Kołodziejczyk D. The Crimean khanate and Poland-Lithuania: international diplomacy on the European periphery (15th–18th century): a study of peace treaties followed by annotated documents. – Boston; Leiden, 2011. – 1135 p.].

GDL – Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

KBCH – A large drawing book [Moscow: 1950].

LM – Lietuvos metrika. Record books (užrašymų knygos) were used:

No. 3 (1440 – 1498) – Vilnius: 1998;

No. 4 (1479 – 1491) – Vilnius: 2004;

No. 6 (1494 – 1506) – Vilnius: 2007;

No. 7 (1506 – 1539) – Vilnius: 2011.

No. 8 (1499 – 1514) – Vilnius: 1995.

SGS – List of Švitrigaila’s towns [S. V. Polekhov "". Dating and publication. – Ancient Rus’. Questions of medieval studies, 2014, No. 4 (58), p. 111 – 125].

SRG – List of Rus’ towns [Novgorod first chronicle of the oldest and youngest editions. – M.-L., 1950, ].