Undisputed geographical names
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
The European Parliament finally recognized Russia as a sponsor of terrorism.
The Rotten Straw Horde immediately responded with of Ukraine: "The party said – it is necessary, the Komsomol answered – there is!"
Oddly enough, Muscovites begin to do what their senior comrades tell them. So far, it’s true, only mischief, but I hope to soon see positive steps, for example, a complete escape from Ukraine. I hope it happens before the rockets hit the house I live in (a possibility that can never be ruled out. Nov 24, 2022 at 8:50 am).
So, in the 15 documents of the above table, we have 681 mentions of all names. Among them are 81 unique names + 32 doublings of the same name in different positions, which together gives 113 lines.
Each position in the list is constructed according to the scheme [proper name] + [territorial unit] + [conditions of provision], and the last two components are not mandatory. I will deal with them later, but for now I will focus on the first component – names.
These names can be divided into several groups based on the ease / difficulty of understanding them.
First of all, let’s consider the undisputed names. This group mainly includes the names of large cities, the identification of which does not raise any questions.
So, the evolution of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was reflected in these lists in a generalized form and with some lag in time. There is no extraordinary historical depth here, the prototype of the list that has reached us comes from the last years of the reign of Vytautas (1425-1430), and not from the earlier time.