Silence of sources from early 17 cent.
Nicholas Zharkikh
Abstract of the chapter
Detailed argumentation in ukrainian version
In the tumultuous events of Kyiv church history 1600 – 1640 Kyiv relics are not mentioned:
- in attempt of transferring a monastery to uniates (chart of King Sigismund 3rd for Hypatius Potij from September 15, 1612 [Acts of the western Russia, Vol. 4, № 186]).
- in the book of miracles, compiled by abbot of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Petro Mohyla in 1627 – 1631 [Zhukovsky A. Peter Mohyla and the question of the unity of churches. – K.: Arts, 1997, p. 257 – 275].
The mention of st. Barbara's chapel at St. Michael's cathedral contained in the will of Metropolitan Job Boretsky, compiled at March 1, 1631 [Zakrevski N.V. Description of Kiev. – M.: 1868, v. 2, p. 520, the same: Golubev S.T. Kiev Metropolitan Pёtr Mohyla and his associates. – K.: 1883, Vol. 1, Applications, p. 398]. But having a chapel of St. Barbara does not mean that the church had relics of St. Barbara, just as not every church of St. Nicholas (Dmitri, Peter, Paul) has relics of St. Nicholas (Dmitri, Peter, Paul…).
At august 18, 1635 Michael's monks complained Isaiah Kopinsky, accusing him in admiration of monastic property [Zakrevski N.V. Description of Kiev. – M.: 1868, v. 2, p. 521 – 522]. Relics of st. Barbara not mentioned among the property.
I think this happened because at the time these relics have not considered to be st. Barbara's relics and therefore did not constitute a great value.