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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Bibliography of St.Michael's
Golden-Domed Monastery


View of the refectory and the…

This bibliographical list is the result of selection of materials from the database “Ukraine 13 – 18 cent.”. Only materials that are directly related to the monastery selected (numerous references and fragments of the general works does not included). Where necessary, given an analytic description of the fragments that specifically relate to the monastery.

Also presents information on the most prominent figures of the monastery – Job Boretsky, Isaiah Kopinsky, Theodosius Sofonovych, Irinei Falkovski.

Records arranged in the order of publication years, within the year, in alphabetical order. Bibliographical descriptions are given in the original language, additional information – in ukrainian language.

Full text available on the ukrainian language (use lang selector above the text).