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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Sections 1351 – 1400

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

1351. The genus of Dmitry Konitsa
from the Pochep town (p. 109)

1352. The genus of Mr. Philip Chernechenko,
esaul of the Kharkov Cossack regiment (p. 109)

1353. The genus of Yasko fisher Stelmakhovich (p. 109)

1354. The genus of Xenia Mishevskaya (p. 109)

1355. The genus of the deacon Leontii Ulanov (p. 109)

1356. The genus of monk Methodius Shytyk
from the Glukhov town (p. 109)

1357. The genus of Gabriel Litinsky from Kiev (p. 109)

1358. The genus of Martin Korobenko
from Glukhov town (p. 109)

1359. The genus of Fedor Avramenko Beletsky
from Perevolochna (p. 109)

1360. Burgomaster Nezhinsky. [1689] month August [5]. The genus of Mr. Jeremiah Konisky (p. 109)

1361. This is genus of Alexander Kumets
from Kiev (p. 109)

1362. The genus and commemoration of the servant of God Ivan Lazarevich Gorlenko and his wife Anna
from Priluki (p. 109)

1363. From the Glukhov widow (p. 109)

1364. The genus of the monk Herman Semenovich, novice Pechersky (p. 109)

1365. The genus of Fedor Savich,
Belfry man of Pechersky (p. 110)

1366. The genus of Ivan Bespaly
from Voronezh town (p. 110)

1367. The genus of Mr. Nikolai Grembetsky,
the centurion of Roy (p. 110)

1368. The genus of the monk Marina Demidikha,
from Kiev (p. 110)

1369. Year [1690] month January [17]. The commemoration of the reposed fathers and brothers
in this holy abode (p. 110)

1370. Year [1690]. The commemoration of hieromonk Ilarion, at that time builder on the cave of
the St. Anthony (p. 110)