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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Names of gentry

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Consider now selectively the names of the gentry indicated in the historical part of VS (with the exception of those that are borrowed from the PS). There are only 200 of them.

The names of gentlemen sorted alphabetically

There are 56 different names, 118 named persons.

Names of ladies sorted alphabetically

There are 29 different names, 82 named persons.

The names of gentlemen sorted by the number of occurrences

A heavy horizontal line in the table indicates median: 13 of the most commonly used names (23%) collected 50% of entries, and the remaining 50% accounted for 43 less used names.

A comparison with the Pechersky synodikon shows that among the most common non-titled names from the PS the 9 are most common in VS too (Alexander was another eighth in the PS). 7 names, popular in the PS, are not represented among the leaders in VS, but there appeared 4 new names that were not in the leader group of the PS. We can assume that the namespace changed significantly, although it does not radically differ from the names of non-titled persons from the PS.

The names of ladies sorted by the number of occurrences

A heavy horizontal line in the table indicates median: the six most commonly used names (21%) collected 51% of entries, and the remaining 49% accounted for 23 fewer used names.

The name of the ladies also underwent changes in the relative frequency of names compared to the PS. So, among the most common names were 5, and 2 new ones were added – in general the update picture corresponds to the names of the gentlemen.

A comparison of the names of princes and gentlemen looks like this:

The most common male names

The most common female names

For the construction of intersection diagrams like PS, we here have neither the material nor the need: it is evident that the princely namespace in the historical part of VS "dissolved" in general namespace.