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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Period of withered leaves (after 1985)

Nicholas Zharkikh

One may have the hope that the fall of the communist Russian oppression, gaining independence and freedom of speech revive research our theme too. But it turned out that kerosene researchers ended on the book Ulashchik (1985) and there is no monograph on the subject have been published over the next 30 years.

However, Victoria Sergienko pointed me to a book by Jan Jurkevich [Jurkiewicz J. Od Palemona do Giedymina. Wczesnonowożytne wyobrażenia o początkach Litwy. Wczesnonowożytne wyobrażenia o początkach Litwy. Część 1. W kręgu latopisów litewskich. – Poznań: UAM, 2013. – 324 s]. Because the trouble is that there are no signs of its real existence, except at one web store. It is said also true: if you are not on the Web – you do not exist at all. But perhaps, no one said the author what millennium we have in the yard…

No one said this Mieczysław Juchas too, whose book [Lietuvos metraščiai ir kronikos. – Vilnius, 2002] also represented only in one web store. Even if it was freely available and not sold for 8 euros, and then would be a problem – how to read Lithuanian text…

The next portion of withered leaves gave the Lithuanian researcher Nadezhda Morozova, who published several articles about the chronicles and made on this topic her PhD [Morozova Questions of language and textual chronicles the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Bychowiec Chronicle. – Vilnius, diss… Dr. humanity. Science 2001]. But her on the website of the Lithuanian Institute of History contain only work titles – that is faded, unusable leaves in the full sense.

And also on Lithuanian scientist Kestutis Gudmantas one can see a list of his articles 2003 – 2013, part of which is devoted to our chronicles (but no full texts).

Popular book "" [Minsk, MF "Belarusian knigazbor", 1997] appeared in 1997. It contains some chronicle texts translated into Belarusian language, adapted for reading by untrained people. This is certainly an important step for the promotion of historical sources.

According to my principle should be considered the most important articles, but such articles that have treated the subject as a whole, does not appear, although published many articles on specific topics. Therefore it is necessary to consider the articles in which the authors have taken care to put them on the Web.


1. In the period under review authors were mainly involved in sweeping up withered leaves, that is a separate themes, insufficiently developed in the previous periods. There were no new works in which the subject would be considered as a whole.

2. It is gratifying that the articles began to appear, which can be completely or mostly agree, not contravene.

3. Geography research centers marked by a revival of the Kiev city center, but slightly decreased the activity of Belarusian researchers.

4. An important sign of progress is the variety of genres of works on the subject. During this period, one see the first appearance of such genres as a popular book for the general reader and textbook for university students.

5. I draw the attention of their contemporaries colleagues on the need to publish the results of their research. "Publications" in the 21st century can only be regarded as placing the product on the Web in free access. Copyright protects your product from external interference, and if you do not place them on the Web – in the next 150 years, no one will not do this. Was value in this case to write them?