Elena Rusina (1993 – 98)
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Rusina E. The legend of Gediminas march to Russia assessed by V. B. Antonovych and later historiography. – "Academy memory of Professor Vladimir Antonovich," K., 1994, p. 93 – 99.
Rusina E. V. Ukraine under Tatars and Lithuania. – K.: Alternative, 1998 – 318 p. – Series "Ukraine through the Ages", Vol. 6.
Although Rusina articles dedicated only to a small private matter, they are important in several respects.
Firstly, we can fully agree with these articles, they do not have any provisions to which I would like to argue. That is, we can assume that this story is completely polished.
Secondly, the article marks the revival of the Kiev research center for chronicles the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which had fallen into disrepair after Sushicki.
Thirdly, it is nice to note that the Rusin became the first woman who wrote to our subject, and has shown that our women should be taken seriously. If they take up a science – you get it is science, not its imitation.