Fabulous emergence of Lithuania
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Let’s see how Stryjkowski have used "Fabulous emergence of Lithuania" (everything that has no analogues in FEL, we simply skip in the table, that have 106 rows).
We see that overall Stryjkowski quite carefully followed Lit1L, only here and there rearranging scenes with his own thoughts, rejecting something, and most importantly – coming up with a lot of "new" details and brand new episodes, skillfully stylized like FEL (at least additional cities foundation) that "historians" rewrite in their labors without doubts.
Even the real details inserted in the fantastic (in general) stories, became fantastic, and here as the "old" and "new" details refers to the fiction.
Also we see the traces of copy "Fabulous emergence of Lithuania" of "Nemonos" group, but it is used poorly, almost in one episode. And this episode is – surprisingly – is identical with the same single episode in the "Conversation Pole with Lithuanian." Therefore, it is conceivable that Stryjkowski took the "Conversation" rather than a chronicle directly. However, other exotic constructions of "Conversation" Stryjkowski not used, and as a result of the small volume of borrowing, we can not firmly establish its source.
We also see small traces of copy Lit0L group (there are episodes that are available in these copies, but not in Lit1L). Did have Stryjkowski some other copies, except these two (three?) – at FEL material can not be decided.