Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Because studies of chronical sources of Stryjkowski has a certain tradition, I believe it appropriate to consider the respective works here, on the heels of its analysis.
The first who considered this topic was I. Tikhomirov (1901), which has not had a full set of chronicles texts. Therefore, his findings were preliminary.
Alexander Rogov (1966)
Rogov A. I. Russian-Polish cultural ties in the Renaissance: Stryjkowski and his "Chronicle". – Moscow: Nauka, 1966 – 310 p.
Overall Rogov had significant work on clarifying the sources Stryjkowski Chronicle, but his findings on "Lithuanian" chronicles, used by him, mostly wrong.
Nikolai Ulashchik (1985)
Ulashchik NN Introduction to the study of the Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles. – M.: Nauka, 1985. – 262 p.
In general, this section makes a little positive in the study topic – constant references to Lit8L only confuse things.
The above analysis of using chronicles by Stryjkowski have denied most of the findings of previous researchs, and therefore was not superfluous. The final clarification of this issue requires a full parsing "Chronicles" into components, it is a task for future research.