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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Service under King Alexander

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

The career of M. L. G. can be shown in the form of a table:

Title First mention Last mention Number of mentions
Utena’a governor 3/13/1499 12/28/1506 102
marshal of the court 3/31/1501 07/15/1506 105
Onikshteny’s governor 7/2/1501 07/22/1501 4
Merecha’s governor 08/28/1501 2/8/1505 55
Bilsk’s governor 12/15/1504 07/15/1506 32
Owner of Turov 05/22/1505 05/22/1505 1

The position of M. L. Glynsky as a…

The position of M. L. Glynsky as a member of the Council of the Great Duchy of Lithuania

The complete table from which this diagram is constructed is given in Appendices.

M. L. Glynsky’s travels are mostly recorded in connection with the fact that he accompanied King Alexander. On the map, they look like this:

(Perhaps it will be more convenient for you to view this map scheme in a separate window: . The complete table, according to which this map scheme is built, is given in Appendices.)