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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Mykhailo Glynsky was a poor man. At that time, wealth was determined by the amount of land and subjected personal – he had neither. The Lvovich Glynski brothers did not inherit anything from their father, who was also a poor, landless man.

All property owned by M. L. Glynsky was acquired during his service under the ruler:

Object Method of acquisition Previous owner Beginning of possession End of possession
The courtyard in Troky service Jacob the Jew 05/7/1500 05/28/1508
Yard in Troki purchase + exchange Shamak Danilovych, German Hanus 05/7/1500 05/28/1508 (?)
Turiv service grand duke 05/22/1505 10/21/1508
Lisovo and 4 villages ? ? ? 05/23/1508
Lyshki yard ? ? ? 02/18/1509
yard in the Vilnius city service Lukash, the groom of King Alexander ? 10/24/1510
Sivek ? ? ? 1510 (?)
a palace in the Troky District ? ? ? 1510 (?)
Goniądz, Raigorod ? ? beginning 1505 (?) 04/14/1508 [1], 01/5/1509, 12/2/1517
Tutyna estate near Kaunas ? ? ? before 1508 [2]