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1598 Churches around Bakhchisaray

Nikolai Zharkikh

Zharkikh N. I. Bakhchisarai Assumption…

Schematic map location churches mentioned in chart 1598 around Bakhchisaray. The identification of villages – by Bertier de la Garde [Bertier-Delagarde A. L. On the history of Christianity in the Crimea. – Notes of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities, 1910, vol. 28, p. 58 – 59]. Schematic map developed by Dmitry Vortman in 2016.

The numbers indicated:

1 – Assumption cave church on Salachik;

2 – Church of St. John the Baptist (1587) in the village of Bia-Sala;

3 – The Church of St. Michael in the village Shuryu (1594);

4 – The Church of St. Anastasia was in a small village (later – the tract) Kachi-Kalon; in 2 half 19 cent. there was a branch Bakhchisarai monastery;

5 – Church of St. Theodore in the village Mangush;

6 – village Yashlov (Biuk-Yashlau), where they often stayed in Moscow ambassadors.