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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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16th century

Nikolai Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version

(2) 1501 – 1519. Diplomatic correspondence between Moscow
and Crimea

(3) 1517 M. Miechowski Treatise on the two Sarmatia

(3) 1573 Blaise de Vigenère Chronicles and annals of Poland

(2) 1579 Martin Broniewsky Description Tataria

(2) 1587 – 1588. Relation I. Sudakov

(2) 1593 Relation S. Bezobrazov

(1) 1596 The decree of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich

(1) 1598 The decree of Tsar Boris Godunov