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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Scientific historiography

Nicholas Zharkikh

What kind of science can be extracted from the purely humanitarian research of Terekhtemyriv that has been done? Total we have to analyze 170 records (excluding map data).

Distribution of records about…

Distribution of records about Terekhtemyriv by class

1 – reliable sources, 2 – reliable sources without mention of Terekhtemyriv, 3 – false sources

Distribution of records about…

Distribution of records about Terekhtemyriv by years of events

Records grouped by period 25 years. Therefore, under mark "1650" displayed the number of records for 1626 – 1650 years

Looking at the chart one can see that life was most intense in fifty years 1626 – 1675 – it accounts for 70 records or 41% of the total.

Distribution of records about…

Distribution of records about Terekhtemyriv by years of publication

Publications are grouped by periods of 25 years. Therefore, under mark "1900" dispalyed the number of publications for 1876 – 1900 years

Considering the cumulative distribution of records (displayed orange line on the right axis), we see that before 1850 was introduced into scientific circulation only 33 records or 19% of the total. Historians who worked at the time, could not give the true history of Terekhtemyriv by objective reason – they did not dispose the source base.

The situation has changed dramatically over the next 75 years – the golden age of Ukrainian historical science. As of 1925 was introduced into scientific circulation 144 records, or 85% of the total. Therefore we can say that at the end of this period, the objective conditions for writing scientific history of Terekhtemyriv – representative source base – was created.

The next 75 years (put simply, 1926 – 2000, taking into account the adopted our grouping with a period of 25 years!) were a time of complete disappearance of history as a science and domination of "Marxist- Leninist" mythography. Naturally, it was gone for a history of Terekhtemyriv: source base enriched up to 9 records. No significant articles on the topic at this time did appear.

At the time of independence, particularly in the 1997 – 2012 years, the source base enriched by 17 records and reached 100%. At the time was published valuable articles by Valery Lastovsky on Terekhtemyriv history in the 18th century and by Roma Zymovets on stone crosses in the region (in particular, the cross of 1652 in Terekhtemyriv). Careful archaeological exploration by Valentina Petrashenko and Vitaly Kozyuba allowed to make a detailed archaeological map of the region [Petrashenko V. A., Kozyuba V.K. Coast of Kaniv Reservoir: catalog archaeological sites. – K.: 1999].

It is an abstract of the chapter. For the full text see please ukrainian version.