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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Nicholas Zharkikh

The overview table lists the titles of the sections, the quantitative indices, the geographical names associated with the recorded names, as well as the initial and final dates associated with the recorded names (dates of their lives and / or references in the documents).

In total, in the main part of the PS (Sections 1 – 415), according to my calculations, 14 316 names are written, including 769 princes and 998 clerics (one should know that princes-monks were registered as a group of princes and a group of clergy)

In addition, in the final sections (416 – 417) there were 261 names written, 46 princes, and 32 clerics – I did not include them in the general count because there are many names clearly borrowed from the main part of the PS.

On average, the section contains 34.5 names; in block – 19.7 names. As sections, blocks on average also look "crowded" – the records of individual genera did not exceed 10, and often consisted of only 2 names (father and mother), some blocks and even sections contained only one name. That is, real blocks (names groups written by one person for one seating) in the PS would have to be doubled or three times more than accrued, but to allocate most of the PS blocks there is no real guidance.

The general trends in the development of PS can be represented in the form of the following diagrams:

Distribution of the number of names in…

Distribution of the number of names in PS

Vertical purple line is the median distribution: 50% of the names are recorded in sections 1 – 135 (left) and 50% in sections 136 – 415 (right)

The general trend is to reduce the number of names in the section as it moves from the beginning to the end of the PS (the median lies to the left of the middle, section 207).

Distribution of the number of princes…

Distribution of the number of princes in the PS

The median distribution lies in the area of section 55

The general trend is the concentration of princely names in the initial part of the PS and the relative decrease in their number as they move to the end (the median lies to the left of the median of the number of names).

Distribution of the number of clergy…

Distribution of the number of clergy in the PS

The median distribution lies in the area of section 185

The general trend is an increase in the relative strength of the clergy as it moves from the beginning to the end of the PS (the median lies to the right of the median of the number of names).