Untitled names
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Let us first consider our systematic selection of untitled names, which has 4004 names and makes up about 1/3 of all non-titled names in the PS. Let me remind you that this sample is formed by rewriting all the names in whole sections.
The following tables show the normative names (as they are grammatically correct in the saints) and the variants of writing names in the PS. When selecting options, the phonetic and spelling features (for example, the initial letter A-0-Omega) were not taken into account.
Untitled male names, sorted alphabetically
A total of 225 different names, 2 446 named individuals.
Untitled female names, sorted alphabetically
A total of 62 different names, 1 558 named individuals. It can be seen that the options for writing female names in the PS are much larger than the options for male names.
Untitled male names, sorted by the number of occurrences
The heavy horizontal line in the table denotes median: 17 most used names (7.6 %) collected more than 50 % of entries, and the remaining 50 % accounted for 209 less common names.
Untitled female names, sorted by the number of occurrences
The heavy horizontal line in the table denotes median: the 9 most commonly used names (14.5 %) collected more than 50 % of entries, and the remaining 50 % accounted for 53 less common names.