3rd quarter 2017
29 Sep 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today I offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
27 Sep 2017 New article on history
The article «Fabulous "Vytautas march on the Don"» from the cycle «Push to south» (2017) is now published.
To submit this case possible to honor Vytautas, it was coined by his winning campaign for Don (or even beyond the Volga), capture of prisoners and withdrawal them to Lithuania.
25 Sep 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Assumption monastery (1850 – 1921)».
In 1850 began the real, not fictional history Assumption monastery on the rock.
23 Sep 2017 New about Pechersky synodikon
We continue publishing the monograph «Pechersky synodikon» (2017). Today – «10. The genus of Princess Ulyana Yuryeva».
Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev; Prince Alexander; Prince Semen; Remember, Lord, the murdered prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, Prince Ioann Yurievich.
21 Sep 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Analysis versions».
The story is dedicated to actual combat Švitrigaila and Sigismund, and in contrast to the previous parts of the chronicle contains the exact dates and mentions on Orthodox holidays.
19 Sep 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today I offer readers the next 4 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
17 Sep 2017 New article on history
The article «Vytautas’ marches to south (1397 – 1398)» from the cycle «Push to south» (2017) is now published.
The scale of described Vytautas measures was small; they were directed to the Dnieper region; they are not accompanied by battles with the Tatars.
15 Sep 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) continued. Today in the gallery – photo the upper terrace Assumption monastery in Bakhchisarai (1903). |
13 Sep 2017 New about Pechersky synodikon
We continue publishing the monograph «Pechersky synodikon» (2017). Today – «9. Grand Dukes».
Prince Vladimir the Great, who was called in the holy baptism of Basil; Great Prince Algirdas, who was named in the baptism of Demetrius.
11 Sep 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Versions "Belarusian" chronicles».
It is obvious that all the copies of the "Belarusian" chronicles (and therefore Bil0L) are very similar in this part to Vit4L.
9 Sep 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today I offer readers the next 4 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
7 Sep 2017 New article on history
The article «Push to south» (2017) is now started.
Vytautas’ defeat from Tatars in the Battle of the Vorskla marked termination expansion Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the south.
5 Sep 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «View of buildings (1794 – 1849)».
1. Cave Church. / 2. Possible restructuring. / 3. Counterforces. / 4. Columns in the church. / 5. Lobby or porch. / 6. Stairs to the church. / 7. The paintings of the church.
3 Sep 2017 New about Pechersky synodikon
We continue publishing the monograph «Pechersky synodikon» (2017). Today – «Sections 1 – 8».
Foreword. 1. [The Saints] Anthony, Theodosius… 2. Ecumenical Patriarchs Nile, Photius, Ioann. 3. Metropolitans: Peter… 4. Archimandrites of the Cave monastery – Ioann…
1 Sep 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Versions "Vytautas" and "Lithuanian" chronicles».
Date of the Battle of Oshmiany – December 8, the day of St. Potapius, on Monday.
31 Aug 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
27 Aug 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now finished. Today – section «Absurd "anniversary"».
The ancestors of one part of modern Ukrainian political nation beat ancestors the other part of the modern Ukrainian political nation.
25 Aug 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) continued. Today in the gallery – general view Assumption monastery in Bakhchisarai (1901). |
23 Aug 2017 New about Pechersky synodikon
We continue publishing the monograph «Pechersky synodikon» (2017). Today – section «Text».
The breakdown of the synodikon into sections was done by me. For it, was used a paragraph breakdown in the publication. I counted 417 such sections.
21 Aug 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Structure of the tale».
As past experience has taught us that Vit4L contains early, the best text, look at the composition of this story: 1. Švitrigaila became the prince to Vilna and Troki.
19 Aug 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
17 Aug 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now continued. Today – section «Enthusiasts».
I really like our Ukrainian enthusiasts who truly believe that writing articles for a Blue-Water-science – this is the easiest thing in the world.
15 Aug 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Fictional "monastery" (1794 – 1849)».
Constantine and George Spirandi / Residents of rocks / Feast of the Assumption / The notion about past of rock
13 Aug 2017 New about Pechersky synodikon
We start publishing the monograph «Pechersky synodikon» (2017).
Text / Overview / Geography / Chronology / Sociology / Name space / Conclusions
11 Aug 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Tale of Švitrigaila».
"Tale of Švitrigaila" as a standalone product is selected by us for the first time, previous researchers have not isolated it and did not pay attention to variant reading in copies.
9 Aug 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
7 Aug 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now continued. Today – section «Tatiana Gedz (2010 – 2015)».
In two short business articles T. Gedz introduce in our theme series of new things that could not make a large team of doctors of historical sciences.
5 Aug 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) continued. Today in the gallery – panorama Assumption monastery in Bakhchisarai on chromolithography 1901. |
3 Aug 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Structure and value of Praise».
Vytautas respected not only by his subjects (serves), but also by independent rulers (who are in friendship with him or salute him).
1 Aug 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
31 Jul 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now continued. Today – section «Boris Cherkas (2012 – 2015)».
So new that has brought B. Cherkas in the case of "Blue Water" – a mistake, and the old, that he borrowed from earlier studies – is also mistake.
29 Jul 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Assumption Church in the 18th century».
During the Crimean Khanate (1596 – 1783) there was no Assumption monastery on the rock – was just a parish church, located in a cave.
27 Jul 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Sources value of messaging congress in 1430».
Both types of records from the Great-Russian annals does not show great awareness of their authors in the events and can only be secondary sources of Vilna congress 1430.
25 Jul 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 3 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
23 Jul 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now continued. Today – section «Alexander Chorny (2011 – 2014)».
Considered articles by Chorny marked by the persistent but unfounded desire in whatever manner to link the collected data to the mythical "Blue Water battle."
21 Jul 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) continued. Today in the gallery – photo of rocks above Assumption Monastery in Bakhchisarai (late 19 cent.). |
19 Jul 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Dlugosz about the congresses in 1429 and 1430».
The Case of the Congress initiated at the end of 1428 by the Roman and Hungarian king Sigismund (Dlugosz title it that way, and we’ll call him the Emperor only to simplify).
17 Jul 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
15 Jul 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now continued. Today – section «Irina Kozyr (2011 – 2014)».
Articles I. Kozyr introduced a considerable amount of materials from the region Sinyukha. But attempts to link the collected materials to the "Battle of Blue Water" look unconvincing and strained.
13 Jul 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Assumption Church in the 17th century.».
Muslim Khan permission to build even though this humble church in the capital of the Muslim state which has functioned here about a hundred years – something not ordinary.
11 Jul 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Analysis variants».
So, the edition PV-2 can be used as a source, but the PV-3 – is historiographical confusion in its pure form, one should not use it as a source.
9 Jul 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 5 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).
7 Jul 2017 New article on history
The article «The mythical "Battle of Blue Water"» (2017) is now continued. Today – section «Nicholas Dorosh (2009 – 2012)».
We see that the stream of N. Dorosh books on blue-water-logy peaked in 2012 and then began to fall silently.
5 Jul 2017 New about Bakhchisaray
The article «Bakhchysaray Assumption rock» (2016) continued. Today in the gallery – photo of rocks and Assumption Monastery in Bakhchisarai (late 19 cent.). |
3 Jul 2017 New about chronicles
The work «Two traditions chronicles Grand Duchy of Lithuania» (2016) is now continued. Today – section «Variants of the text third edition».
And when he was in the city of Lutsk, where welcome guests and gave them large jeweled. And from that established a great friendship between them that can not be described.
1 Jul 2017 New rhymes by Ivan Zharkikh
Today offer readers the next 4 verses from the "Book of octaves" (1979 – 1980).