Volodymyr Mavrodin (1940)
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
The Soviet historian Volodymyr Mavrodin (1908-1987) read all the books I reviewed above and found that "this literature is very insignificant and cannot satisfy us" [Mavrodin V. V. Essays on the history of left-bank Ukraine: from ancient times to the 2nd half 14th century – Leningrad: Goslenizdat, 1940 – 320 p.; I use the reprint: St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2002 – 417 p., in which an afterword by A. Yu. Dvornychenko (b. 1957) "V. V. Mavrodin – historian of Ancient Rus’" placed; quote – on p. 5; it is natural that V. M. did not use A. Nasonov’s book, which was published in the same year 1940].
And I am writing all this in Kyiv on March 2, 2022 (at 10:30 am – just in case. I am not panicking, but I am aware that every key I press may be the last in my life). We do not hear guests from the newest "fighters against nationalism" today, but yesterday (March 1, 2022) the ideological partisans of Comrade V.V. Mavrodin fired cruise missiles at Kharkiv, there are numerous victims. Therefore, the destruction of "Ukrainian nationalists" is progressing both ideologically and technically.
See you at the Kharkiv Tribunal, dear "Russian brothers"!
Well, I didn’t have time to finish this chapter yesterday (March 2, 2022). And at night there was an attack on Kyiv – I heard it perfectly. Since the General Staff asks not to publish details – I will only say that the "liberators" did force me to turn to the other side.
So, let’s continue (March 3, 2022, 8:56 a.m.):
In the harem called "Soviet Humanitarian Science", Mavrodin was the senior overseer of Princess History. The princess did not escape from this inexorable guard, but our eunuch could not have fun with her, let alone beget offspring (in the form of new concepts). Naturally, he hated History – so close and so inaccessible…