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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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List of abbreviations

Nicholas Zharkikh

LM – Lietuvos metrika. The publication is available at The books of records (užrašymų knygos) No. 3, 4, 6, 8 was used in the work.

WKWolff J. Kniaziowie litewsko-ruscy from the end of the 14th century. – Warsaw: 1895.

AZRActs relating to the history of Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographical Commission. – Spb.: 1846 – 1853, volumes 1 – 5.

ArchJuZR – Archive of southwestern Russia.

AJuZR – Acts related to the history of southern and western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographical Commission.

DBVDocuments of the Bratslav Voivodeship 1566 – 1606 years / M. G. Krykun. – Lviv: 2008.

PNVPolekhov S. Heirs of Vytautas. – Moscow: 2015.

RIB – Russian Historical Library. Used vol. 27 (1910) with documents from the 3rd and 4th books of the Lithuanian Metrica.

RUGRozov V. Ukrainian charters. – K.: 1928, vol. 1.