Low-frequency electrode impedance of dispersed particles
Zharkikh N. I., Dukhin S. S., Shilov V. N.
With unequal diffusion coefficients of ions concentration polarization of particles is accompanied by the diffusion potential. This potential is generated by the polarization charges, which are allocated in the scope of the concentration dipole. For particles that are sufficiently close to the electrode part of the polarization charges is allocated on the electrode, which leads to an additional contribution of dispersed particles in the current and the electrical conductivity of the dispersed system. We give a quantitative estimate of this effect.
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Biocolloid chemistry institite, National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Received 22 Feb 1995
Published : Colloid Journal (Moscow), 1995, vol. 57, № 5, p. 675 – 678.
Full text in russian language.