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Structural independence of electrokinetic phenomena under strong overlapping of boundary layers

Zharkikh N. I., Jaroschuk A.E.

It is shown that in supposition of homogeneity (when excesses of the ion concentration in the pore space of the diaphragm are constant and do not depend on the coordinates) a number of kinetic phenomena (including electroosmotic pressure) do not depend on geometrical shape of the pore space of diaphragm and is determined by ion concentration excesses, only. Measurement of these phenomena permits determining these excesses without complications connected with simulation of the pore space.


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Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Received 19 Jan 1989

Published : Reports of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, Series B, 1989, № 11, c. 28 – 31.

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