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The theory of reverse osmosis at the membrane of spherical particles in the Debye approximation

Zharkikh N. I., Shilov V. N.

In the Debye-Henry approximation (small surface potential and arbitrary double layer thickness) coefficient of rejection of the electrolyte solution when jacking through the membrane is calculated (the phenomenon of reverse osmosis). Calculations were based on cell model that takes into account the hydrodynamic and electrical interaction of spheres. Analyzed cases are very small and very large Peclet numbers. It is shown that the decisive influence on the rejection coefficient have the overlapping of double layers.


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Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Received 10 Nov 1980.

Published : Water chemistry and technology (Kyiv), 1982, vol. 4, № 1, pp. 3 – 9.

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