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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Week 132 (Aug 29 – Sep 4, 2024)

Nicholas Zharkikh

Cotton in the Crimea and Rostov region

The total combat losses of the russian enemy as of the morning of August 29, 2024 approximately amounted to:

personnel — about 612,390 (+1,200) people,

tanks — 8571 (+3) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,699 (+18) units,

artillery systems — 17,549 (+27) units,

RSZV — 1174 (+0) units,

air defense equipment — 939 (+1) units,

aircraft — 368 (+1) units,

helicopters — 328 (+0) units,

UAVs of operational-tactical level — 14369 (+21),

cruise missiles — 2556 (+3),

ships and boats — 28 (+0) units,

submarines — 1 (+0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 23706 (+52) units,

special equipment – 2965 (+15).

Operational information of the Ukrainian General Staff as of 08.00 on 08/29/2024 regarding the Russian invasion.

The fire at the oil depot near Rostov is gaining momentum: there was a new explosion and depressurization.

Sevastopol (temporarily occupied by russians) was attacked by UAVs, traffic on the Crimean bridge is blocked – rosZMI.

Cotton in Kaluga

The total combat losses of the russian enemy as of the morning of August 30, 2024 approximately amounted to:

personnel — about 613,590 (+1,200) people,

tanks — 8574 (+3) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,722 (+23) units,

artillery systems — 17,572 (+23) units,

RSZV — 1175 (+1) units,

air defense equipment — 940 (+1) units,

aircraft — 368 (+0) units,

helicopters — 328 (+0) units,

UAVs of operational-tactical level — 14453 (+84),

cruise missiles — 2556 (+0),

ships and boats — 28 (+0) units,

submarines — 1 (+0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 23,763 (+57) units,

special equipment — 2967 (+2).

Operational information as of 08:00 on 08/30/2024 regarding the Russian invasion, – Ukrainian General Staff.

An airport and a factory were targeted: a drone attack was announced in Kaluga, Russia.

Restless night in Crimea (temporarily occupied by russians): "cotton" was heard near the airfield and railway station.

Cotton in Belgorod

The total combat losses of the russian enemy as of the morning of August 31, 2024 approximately amounted to:

personnel — about 614,950 (+1,360) people,

tanks — 8582 (+8) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,736 (+14) units,

artillery systems — 17,614 (+42) units,

RSZV — 1176 (+1) units,

air defense equipment — 940 (+0) units,

aircraft — 368 (+0) units,

helicopters — 328 (+0) units,

UAV of the operational-tactical level — 14471 (+18),

cruise missiles — 2557 (+1),

ships/boats — 28 (+0) units,

submarines — 1 (+0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 23,825 (+62) units,

special equipment – 2977 (+10).

Operational information of the Ukrainian General Staff as of 08.00 on 08/31/2024 regarding the Russian invasion.

Belgorod suffered a massive blow.

Footage appeared from the Kursk region with another destroyed russian military column and a Russian pontoon.

Big cotton in Moscow and 9 regions of the Russian Federation

The total combat losses of the russian enemy from February 24, 2022 to September 1, 2024 are approximately:

personnel — about 616,300 (+1,350) people,

tanks — 8592 (+10) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,760 (+24) units,

artillery systems — 17,636 (+22) units,

RSZV — 1176 (+0) units,

air defense equipment — 940 (0) units,

aircraft — 368 (0) units,

helicopters — 328 (0) units,

UAVs of the operational-tactical level — 14507 (+36),

cruise missiles — 2557 (+0),

ships/boats — 28 (0) units,

submarines — 1 (0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 23,881 (+56) units,

special equipment – 2991 (+14).

Operational information as of 08.00 on 01.09.2024 regarding the Russian invasion – Ukrainian General Staff.

The Russians complain about a massive attack by unmanned aerial vehicles: nine russian areas are under attack, a power plant is on fire.

"He flies. Hit!" A fire broke out at the Moscow Refinery after the drone attack. Video.

New cotton in Belgorod

The total combat losses of the russian enemy as of the morning of September 2, 2024 approximately amounted to:

personnel — about 617,600 (+1,300) people,

tanks — 8601 (+9) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,786 (+26) units,

artillery systems — 17,646 (+10) units,

RSZV — 1177 (+1) units,

air defense equipment — 940 (+0) units,

aircraft — 368 (+0) units,

helicopters — 328 (+0) units,

UAVs of the operational-tactical level — 14537 (+30),

cruise missiles — 2557 (+0),

ships/boats — 28 (+0) units,

submarines — 1 (+0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 23,925 (+44) units,

special equipment — 2993 (+2).

Operational information as of 08:00 on 02/09/2024 regarding the Russian invasion – Ukrainian General Staff.

"Cotton" has overtaken Belgorod: there are significant destructions, fires and victims.

In the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, hostilities continue – ISW.

Tactical success of the Ukrainian army near Pokrovsk

The total combat losses of the russian enemy as of the morning of September 3, 2024 approximately amounted to:

personnel — about 618,960 (+1,360) people,

tanks — 8611 (+10) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,821 (+35) units,

artillery systems — 17,664 (+18) units,

RSZV — 1177 (+0) units,

air defense equipment — 940 (+0) units,

aircraft — 368 (+0) units,

helicopters — 328 (+0) units,

UAVs of the operational-tactical level — 14573 (+36),

cruise missiles — 2578 (+21),

ships/boats — 28 (+0) units,

submarines — 1 (+0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 23,972 (+47) units,

special equipment – 3003 (+9).

Operational information as of 08:00 on 03/09/2024 regarding the Russian invasion, – Ukrainian General Staff.

Ukrainian forces regained positions near Pokrovsk: ISW map.

Drones attacked Tver in Russia. The airfield could be under attack.

Two anniversaries at once: 24 thousand Russian cars and 3 thousand units of special equipment were destroyed

The total combat losses of the russian enemy as of the morning of September 4, 2024 approximately amounted to:

personnel — about 620,350 (+1,390) people,

tanks — 8618 (+7) units,

armored combat vehicles — 16,848 (+27) units,

artillery systems — 17,694 (+30) units,

RSZV — 1177 (+0) units,

air defense equipment — 940 (+0) units,

aircraft — 368 (+0) units,

helicopters — 328 (+0) units,

UAVs of operational-tactical level — 14616 (+43),

cruise missiles — 2580 (+0),

ships/boats — 28 (+0) units,

submarines — 1 (+0) units,

automotive equipment and tank trucks — 24007 (+35) from

special equipment — 3014 (+12).

Operational information as of 08:00 on 04/09/2024 regarding the Russian invasion, – Ukrainian General Staff.

The offensive continues: in the Kursk region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced in three directions – OSINT analysts.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces "cleared" the village in the Pokrovsky direction from the russian occupiers.