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Theory of disjoining pressure in a concentrated dispersion of charged spherical particles. 2

Zharkikh N.I., Shilov V.N.

Low surface potential (Debye's approximation)

Equations of state of a dispersion of weakly-charged particles have been calculated in two limit cases : a constant surface charge, and a constant surface potential. The attraction forces between the particles are neglected. In the second case, it has been detected that some sort of «condensation» of the dispersion occurs when the double layers of neighbouring particles strongly overlap each other (the disjoining pressure does not depend on the bulk portion).


1. Жарких Н. И., Шилов В. Н. Коллоидн. ж., 1982, т. 44, № 3.

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Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Received 19 Nov 1981

Published : Colloid Journal (Moscow), 1982, vol. 44, № 3, p. 571 – 574.

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